Belle's Musing - Mommy and I Are Wounded
Trek 2009 – Give ‘em Heaven Belle’s Musing – Mommy and I Are Wounded
By Cheryle M. Touchton The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady
How long will ye love vanity? KJV
Mommy and I are wounded. We both had our nails done and we both hurt. I have a bandage on my paw and she can barely type. I had no choice but what is the deal with Mommy? She chose to let people torture her.
Mommy and I don’t get our nails done at the same place. I have to go to a Doggy Spa. They don’t stop with my nails. I also have to be subjected to a complete bath, having my teeth brushed, and other indignities that I won’t describe in mixed company. It’s really quite terrible.
Leaving the Doggy Spa was embarrassing. When Mommy went to get out her PetSmart card, she dropped her cards all over the floor. Because she had those ridiculous artificial nails, she couldn’t pick up the cards. She finally figured out that if she took out another card and slipped it under each card, she could pick them up. It caused quite the scene as people waited impatiently for their turn to check out.
They clipped my nails too close and I bled all over Halleluiah. When Mommy realized I was bleeding, she made me sit and wait while she cleaned up Halleluiah. She apologized for not taking care of me first but said blood stains if you don’t clean it up quickly. She didn’t apologize for yelling at me when I tried to jump back up on the couch. I’m starting to think she likes Halleluiah better than me. Mommy says going to the Doggy Spa is good for me but I think it is really for her. She cuddles with me more after my Spa day.
When Mommy finally put medicine and a bandage on my paw, it felt better and she let me get back on the couch. Mommy’s fingers are hurting because she had an infection so they had to take off the old nails and start over. She is whining about her fingers and I’m whining about Mommy. I’m pretty disgusted with the whole thing. Isn’t insanity doing the same things repeatedly and expecting different results? Maybe God will convict Mommy about her vanity.
========================================================== Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to or call Gail Golden at 904 316-5462.
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