Cookbook Evangelism Works  

Trek 2008 – Cookbook Evangelism Works

By Cheryle M. Touchton
The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. Matt 28:19 NIV

If you died today, would you go to heaven? That was the opening question at the Inside Out Ministries booth on 4th of July in Washington DC. They were one of several Christian ministries participating in Freedom Fest (formerly called Christ on the Mall.)

“Why do you believe that?” was their follow up questions. Inside Out team members stood outside the booth, inviting people to take the 2-question test. Those that came to the booth eagerly answered the questions to the best of their ability and then listened to the Bible’s answers. Like a recipe in a cookbook, Inside Out Ministries had the plan of salvation carefully typed up in a binder. Each page was printed twice so both the presenter and those presented to could see the same text.

Is the approach too simple? The Bible says by our fruits we shall be known. The fruits of this approach were obvious as person after person listened and prayed to become a Christian (see pictures – Washington DC – Freedom Fest – Christ on the Mall.) Talk about going into the world to make disciples of all nations – the world comes to Washington DC on July 4, where Christians were eagerly waiting on the mall outside the Capital building to give the good news of Christ.

As I participated and watched, I was overwhelmed by the privilege of getting to be a part of something so powerful. After several had prayed to receive Jesus, I turned to Debby – an Inside Out team member and said, “This is amazing.”

She agreed. “It’s like this every year. God sends the people who are ready to our booth.”

It was true. People walked up, ready to hear about Jesus and to ask Him to be a part of their life. Each had their story of how God had prepared them. I invited a Hindu man from India to take the test.

“If you died today, would you go to heaven?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” he said. “That’s why I’m here.”

At the same event the previous year, someone had given him a Bible.

“I tried to read it,” he said. “I couldn’t understand it.”

“That’s because you were trying to read it alone. You didn’t have the help of the Holy Spirit or other Christians. Would you like me to help you?” I asked.

He eagerly nodded.

I told him about Jesus dying for his sins and that when you accept Jesus, you receive the Holy Spirit. I explained that I was there because the love of Jesus was inside me. I used the words Inside Out Ministries had supplied to walk him through the scriptures that explained that all had sinned, that he needed to confess his sins, repent, believe in Jesus, and invite Jesus into his life.

“Salvation is free,” I said. “It is simple. You don’t have to work for it. All you have to do is ask.”

“Would you like to become a Christian right now?” I asked.

“I would,” he said.

Slowly I read the printed prayer and he solemnly repeated the words after me. We spent a few minutes talking about church, baptism, and other next steps. He went away smiling.

An 8-year-old Muslim girl from Sudan prayed with me to invite Jesus into her life, with her Muslim parents standing a few feet away. Her 4-year-old brother listened the entire time.

I turned to him and said, “When you are a little older, you will want to do the same thing. Jesus Christ is the only true God and he loves you very much. Can you say Jesus Christ loves me?”

Grinning from ear to ear, he repeated the words, “Jesus Christ loves me.”

A Christian mother and her two sons walked up to take the test. The older son had just accepted Christ, answered every question just right, and was waiting for baptism at his church.

The nine year old said, “I’m not a Christian yet. I haven’t prayed that prayer.”

“You’re old enough to make that decision,” I told him. I asked him some questions about Jesus and he gave the right answers.

“Would you like to become a Christian right now?” I asked.

His head bobbed his agreement. I looked at the Mom and she gave a nod of approval.

With his mother and brother beaming through tears, he prayed after me, “Dear Jesus, I love you. I’ve made mistakes and I need you in my life so I can do better. I believe that you were born, that you died on the cross, and that you rose from the dead three days later. I would like to become a Christian. I invite you into my life right now.”

“Now you can be baptized with your brother,” I told him. His mother hugged him and they walked away.

The entire time I was praying with people, Debby was doing the same thing next to me. I witnessed her lead many to Christ. I heard her tell one young man, “The angels are giving a party because you’ve just become a Christian.”

When one woman finished praying to ask Jesus to become a part of her life, she gasped and said, “But I live with my boyfriend.”

“You’ve just become a Christian,” Debby gently explained. “You are forgiven but Jesus doesn’t want you to live with your boyfriend without getting married.” Debby and this woman talked, planning her next step.

At other booths, other Christians were experiencing the same thing. They had tracts in other languages and a Spanish-speaking booth. I left with my heart full and overflowing, thanking God for letting me witness these faithful Christians in action.

Why was this event so powerful? First, Christ died for our sins. It is the truth – it is powerful – and somewhere inside each person – they recognize the power of the name Jesus Christ.

Second, God prepared the hearts of those who came to the mall on July 4th. In each life, there was story leading up to the moment these people became a Christian.

Finally, there were the Christian workers who love God with their entire heart, soul, mind, and strength. Inside Out Ministries and other ministries like them prepared by accepting the call, praying, raising money, having signs and materials made, getting to the event, and setting up the booths. Many others helped by donating money so these people could attend.

The plan of salvation is a simple one. What I call “Cookbook Evangelism” works well for delivering the powerful message of Christ. There are many tracts that help Christians walk others through the plan of salvation. I carry several different tracts in my purse at all times. God is still in the business of saving souls. Are you?


Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to or call Gail Golden at 904 316-5462.

This ministry exists because people like you are called to help fund the work of the kingdom. To help keep the Pocket Full of Quarters Lady on the road as a traveling missionary, send your tax deductible contribution to Pocket Full of Change Ministries, POB 51205, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240.

© Pocket Full of Change Ministries


Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to or call Cheryle Touchton at 904-614-3585.

This ministry exists because people like you are called to help fund the work of the kingdom. To help keep "The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady" on the road leading people to Christ, you can Donate Here

Copyright: Pocket Full of Change Ministries