Building Better Relationships - Introduction

Dear Readers:

In this series, I share with you a collection of relationship-building insights that I have gained over the years. Some came from life in the trenches at the company I used to run, or from mentors and counselors that I encountered along the way. But most come straight out of the Bible and are rooted in loving God, loving each other, and loving ourselves the way God does. 

Use these readings as part of your daily devotions or as discussion starters with someone else.  No matter where you are in your various relationships, be it a spouse (or potential spouse), a friend, a relative, a neighbor or a coworker, I hope you find something here to improve each one of them. 

The series ends with a 2-week challenge that is sure to change your life and your relationships. Oh, and here's a hint: if you start this on February 1st, there will be a special Valentine's reading for readers who are married.

Cheryle M. Touchton - The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady

Building Better Relationships

Day 1 - A Heart of Flesh
Day 2 - Live in Grace
Day 3 - Affirmations: "Schmooze" with the Truth
Day 4 - Know Your Turn
Day 5 - True, Necessary, Kind
Day 6 - Know Your Worth
Day 7 - Seeing Clearly
Day 8 - The Male Ego
Day 9 - They May Really Be Right
Day 10 - Troubled
Day 11 - Safe
Day 12 - Submit
Day 13 - Delight in Flowers
Day 14 - St. Valentines Day
Day 15 - Fulfilling Love
Day 16 - Worship
Day 17 - A Homesick Soul
Day 18 - Personal
Day 19 - An Attitude of Gratitude
Day 20 - Covenant Community Part I
Day 21 - Covenant Community Part II
Day 22 - Bragging 
Day 23 - Relationship CPR
Day 24 - The Two Week Challenge